Volunteers Needed for Interview Day (September 15th)
In preparation for the interview days for this admissions cycle, we are sending out a volunteer list for interviews now. We have all the days set and each volunteer option (mingler, group leader, student panelist) available for you to choose from. Since all the days are set, you can sign up for any days you are available! I will be making sure to send this link out prior to each interview day for any individuals who did not know their schedule so far in advance. Our first interview day is September 15th, and we would love to see you there! You can sign up using the link below:
After signing up for specific dates I will send you the calendar invite to hold that date and time a week prior to the interview date. All interview dates run from 11:15 a.m.-3:00 pm. Currently, there are 4 slots available in each volunteer option, but that may change with each interview day. Sometimes we need more volunteers and other we need fewer, either way, we will keep you in the loop. Hopefully, this process will allow for the necessary time to make any arrangements to participate. We could not make interviews happen without all your help and support.
P3 and P4 students, we will also have the opportunity for you to volunteer as Interviewers, so please watch for a similar email with that signup link. You are welcome to sign up for a variety of volunteer roles, Just as a disclaimer I may move people around for the needs of each interview day (i.e. if we have too many interviewer volunteers I will readjust roles, and vice versa). We are looking forward to having many of you join our interview teams and take part in creating future cohorts for our program!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for all your help! We look forward to seeing you on interview days. 😊
Your biggest fan,
Kammy Shepherd (kamryn.shepherd@pharm.utah.edu)