Utah Poison Control ‘Train-the-Trainer’ Presentation

Dear College of Pharmacy Students,
This is a reminder that Train-The-Trainer Presentation by The Utah Poison Control Center will be on 3/1/2023 from 12:10 pm to 1 pm.
Sharrie Pace, MS, MCHES, from the Utah Poison Control Center, will host this event via Zoom. The training aims to build community capacity to provide poison prevention throughout the state and allow the UPCC to stretch its limited resources.
This counts as a co-curricular event. Please sign up for the event on the co-curricular activity website from the College of Pharmacy.
We hope to see you there!
Below is the Zoom information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 9616 3847
Passcode: UPCC
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions to Jieyu Wang (wang.yu@pharm.utah.edu)
Jieyu Wang
University of Utah College of Pharmacy
Pharm D Candidate Class of 2025
Pharmacy Intern University of Utah Health
APhA-ASP OTC Medicine Safety Chair 2022-2023