Utah Pharmacy Summit: Collaborating to Optimize Patient Care
Utah Pharmacy Summit: Collaborating to Optimize Patient Care
Dear Colleague,
The Utah Pharmacy Summit: Collaborating to Optimize Patient Care will be held on November 17, 2022 on the University of Utah campus. This unique, first-time event is being co-presented by the AMCP Utah Affiliate and the University of Utah College of Pharmacy. Utah State Senator Evan Vickers will deliver the keynote address, Utah pharmacy organizations will discuss their role in the pharmacy community and various speakers from academia, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and managed care will share updates. All pharmacists with connections to Utah are invited in addition to pharmaceutical manufacturers.
The purpose of Utah Pharmacy Summit: Collaborating to Optimize Patient Care is to bring together pharmacists working in a variety of roles in the state of Utah in order to educate, collaborate and engage. Senator Evan Vickers will highlight the State-of-the-State of Pharmacy in Utah as our keynote address. We will also hear perspectives from a variety of pharmacists representing various roles—i.e. hospital, retail, community, managed care, PBM, Medicaid, MTM, academia and ambulatory care, individually and as participants in a panel discussion. Students, fellows, residents, faculty and other researchers will have the opportunity to present their new or encore research and network with leaders. They will gain valuable insight and knowledge through participating in panel sessions and workshops presented by various pharmacy organizations.
The program includes:
• Welcome lunch
• Leaders from various Utah Pharmacy Organizations share activities and goals
• Senator Evan Vickers, Keynote address
• Speakers from various pharmacist roles in Utah
• Panel discussion
• Poster session
• Social event
Sharon M Cahoon-Metzger, PhD Diana Brixner, PhD, RPh, FAMCP
President, AMCP Utah Affiliate Professor
Senior Managed Care Liaison Exec Dir, Pharmacotherapy Outcomes Research Ctr
Neurocrine Biosciences University of Utah College of Pharmacy
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