Utah Geriatric Education Interprofessional Education Course 

Dear IPE Colleagues,

The Utah Geriatric Education Consortium (UGEC) Interprofessional (IPE) Education in Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Immersion course will be offered again next spring on Wednesday, March 13th from 1:30-3:30pm. This virtual, 2-hour immersion is designed to enhance students understanding of IPE care of older adults in LTSS settings. During the immersion, an interdisciplinary group of students work together on a case study to create a care plan that aligns with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Age-Friendly Health System 4Ms framework. In addition, students learn about the various roles and responsibilities of a LTSS team from a community partner. This live-distance learning opportunity is a 0.5 credit hours course, NURS 5285/6285 or PHARM 6840, though registration is not required for participation.

Please share the attached flyer with your students. Students interested in participating should sign-up via the Sign-Up Genius link.  After signing-up they will be added to a Canvas course and will receive a Zoom meeting invitation.

Thank you,


Sue Chase-Cantarini, DNP, RN

GWEP-UGEC Nursing IPE Content Expert

University of Utah College of Nursing
