UPeds Rotation Panel

UPeds will be inviting preceptors from Primary Children’s Hospital to speak about the APPE rotations available to P4 students and answer any questions students may have about pediatric pharmacy and pediatric-specific APPE rotations. It is an excellent opportunity to meet future preceptors and learn more about the rotations available to students, especially as it is almost time for P3s to start ranking rotations. The event will be held on February 8th from 12 -1 in the Alumni Hall in HSEB. Sign up is on the co-curricular site. Lunch will be provided! If you have any questions, please email me (lauren.thompson@pharm.utah.edu) or Halie Anderson (halie.anderson@pharm.utah.edu). We hope to see you all there!


Lauren Thompson

PharmD Candidate, Class of 2024

UPeds President, 2022-2023

University of Utah

Published in Employment, P3, Student Affairs