University of Utah Hospital Residency Open Houses

Hi all!
University of Utah Hospital is holding multiple virtual open houses for our PGY1 General Practice residencies as well as our two-year PGY1/2 Health-system Pharmacy Administration and Leadership (HSPAL) / MHA residency. These are great opportunities to talk with the current residents (myself included) and the residency program leadership about our programs.
While these open houses are definitely most relevant to current P4s who will be applying for residencies in the coming months, all are welcome to RSVP and attend.
Please RSVP via the surveys on our residency website:
• PGY1 Pharmacy Residency:
Thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Payson Ashmead, PharmD
PGY1 HSPAL Pharmacy Resident
Pharmacy Services
50 North Medical Drive, Room A-050
Salt Lake City, Utah 84132