United States Public Health Service Opportunities

We are excited to share information about two exciting student opportunities that are available through the United States Public Health Service (USPHS). Applications for both programs are open from August 1 to September 31, 2024 for the summer of 2025.


Eligibility: Students who will be entering their P2 or P3 year in 2025, and will have a block of time equaling 30-90 days to serve as an intern at an IHS site.

The Junior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (JRCOSTEP) is an extern program (internship) where students gain valuable professional experience and training. They are paid for their work while completing and furthering their health-related professional education. Students can select different agencies to work with, such as the Indian Health Services (IHS). The selection is a competitive process, and practice sites are available across the United States. Students have an opportunity to live in and serve medically underserved communities, as well witness pharmacy staff practice at the maximum of what their licensure permits.

In addition to educational benefits, the financial benefits are noteworthy. Students are paid as a USPHS Commissioned Officer on active duty at the O-1 (Ensign) rate, which earns a base pay of $3826/month as of 1/1/24. Officers also earn tax-free housing allowance, which is based on the zip code of the facility of assignment (example: $2334 monthly for Phoenix, AZ). This makes total gross pay around $6000 per month at some sites. Approved travel costs to/from the assignment are reimbursable.

With this program, there is no further obligation to the USPHS or IHS after completion. This program is a recruitment tool that enables students to experience a pharmacy practice (and life in the USPHS) that they may not have considered.


Eligibility: Students who will be entering their final year of Pharmacy School in 2025 (graduating in 2026).

In the Senior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program, students entering their final year of graduate school or professional training get paid while in school in exchange for committing to enroll in the USPHS Commissioned Corps upon graduation. Students receive the basic pay and allowances of an active duty O-1 (Ensign; similar monthly estimates to those described in JRCOSTEP section above) while finishing their final year of school, and are guaranteed a position with the USPHS Commissioned Corps upon graduation. The service obligation to the sponsoring site is equal to twice the time sponsored during school.

Further information can be found at the links below. Our team would also be happy to connect with any student who may be interested.

• General page: Officer and Student Training Programs: Officer and Student Training Programs | Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (usphs.gov)

• How to Apply: 8-steps-jrcostep.pdf (usphs.gov)

• JRCOSTEP Fact Sheet: USPHS About Us Factsheet

• JRCOSTEP FAQ: jrcostep-faqs.pdf (usphs.gov)

• SRCOSTEP Fact Sheet: https://www.usphs.gov/media/5aumubu5/usphs-factsheet-srcostep.pdf

• SRCOSTEP FAQ: https://www.usphs.gov/media/daoj3qxv/srcostep-faqs.pdf

• Please reach out if you have any questions,

• Indian Health Service Recruitment & Retention Committee, COSTEP Team

CDR Erica Zimprich: Erica.Zimprich@ihs.gov

LCDR Michelle Lin: Michelle.Lin@ihs.gov

LCDR Ashley Devaughan-Circles: Ashley.DevaughanCircles@ihs.gov

Published in P1, P2, P3, P4