Survey – Mental Health Resources Available – Are They Effective? 

Hello fellow pharmacy students,

Carl Neria and Grace Jondal are fourth-year pharmacy students conducting a survey to assess students’ thoughts and experiences with mental health for our PharmD Project. Many thanks to our project mentors Sadie Roestenburg, PharmD and Amber Martinson, PhD for making this all possible.

We would like to invite you to participate in our brief survey. The purpose of this program assessment is to better understand your experiences with mental health disorders and your perceived or experienced barriers to treatment. Pharmacy students have been shown to have higher proportions of mental health disorders and are less likely to receive treatment compared to those in other health professions. We want to see if this theory holds true at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy.

The survey to follow will ask questions about demographics, previous and/or current mental health disorders and treatments, and perceived threats and barriers to receiving help. It should take about five minutes to complete. It will remain open for two weeks and you may complete it at any time during these two weeks.

The hope is that these answers will illuminate the need for enhanced mental health resources and a targeted intervention to help the needs of the students.

There will be no identifiable information, and all responses will be strictly confidential with no way to trace answers back to the participant. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and not participating will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled. You may discontinue participation at any time without penalty.

To participate in the survey please follow this link:

After participation in the survey, we invite you to fill out your email address for a chance to win one of five $25 Amazon gift cards. There will be no way to trace survey answers to your email address. Filling out your email address is entirely voluntary. After submission of the survey, there will be a link to follow where you may enter your email address if you so choose.

For any questions about the research or survey, please contact Grace Jondal at or Carl Neria at

Grace Jondal

PharmD Candidate, Class of 2025

University of Utah College of Pharmacy