Summer Intern Opportunity
I am recruiting a 2023 Summer Intern. The internship is a 10-12 week commitment over the summer and will be based in Bothell, Washington (just outside of Seattle). More details in the link below.
A little bit about me and the internship: I graduated from University of Utah College of Pharmacy in 2018. I then did an Industry fellowship with Roche/Genentech in NYC and San Francisco in collaboration with Rutgers University. Following my fellowship, I moved to Seattle to work for Seagen (FKA: Seattle Genetics). I have now been here for almost 3 years supporting the development of treatments for solid tumors.
It’d be much appreciated if you could share with prospective students (P1/P2s?). I am also happy to chat with anyone who may be interested. Please let me know if there is any other information you’d like me to provide.
Matthew Birrenkott, PharmD
Principal Clinical Scientist, Clinical Development
Based in Seattle, WA
C: +1 425-439-4307
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