Student Organization Elections Open Again!

Hello College of Pharmacy Students! Elections for Student Organization leadership has resumed, but things look a little different this time around. Organizations have been pared down and the following positions are open for election:
USPA President Elect
Faculty Advisor: Jess Carey and Kyle Turner
ACCP President Elect
Faculty Advisor: Patricia Orlando
APhA President Elect
Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Bald
ASHP President Elect
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Babin
The timeline for elections is as follows:
Wed Mar 20th – For those intending to run, please let Joe Simpson ( know By the end of the day
Fri Mar 22nd – Election Material is due to the faculty advisor for it to be signed off. Election Material should include a picture of yourself, why you want to run, and why you think you would be a good fit for the position.
Mar 27th – Elections will happen and will run through Mar 29th. Winners will be announced, and new positions will take office April 1st.
A retreat for newly elected and continuing officers will occur April 20th. This will take most of the day, so plan accordingly.