Southwestern Medical Center PGY1 Information Session

Good morning,

My name is Brittney Guilbeau Darden, I am the current PGY1 Health System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership (HSPAL) Resident at UT Southwestern Medical Center. I am reaching out hoping to provide your fourth-year pharmacy students with information for our upcoming virtual information sessions for both our HSPAL and general PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Programs. We represent one of the top hospital systems in the country and would love to share some of our opportunities with your students! We’ve found that in previous years that these sessions are helpful providing your students an opportunity to learn about our programs and meet residency leadership before Midyear. If you all have a way to disseminate this information to your students, I would greatly appreciate it!

HSPAL Information Session dates: October 21st from & November 19th from 6:00 – 7:00 PM CST

PGY1 Information Session dates: October 17th from & November 14th from 5:00 – 6:00 PM CST

During this session we will review the rotations/MBA calendar (HSPAL), longitudinal experiences, and application instructions with additional time to meet and ask questions of residency program leadership and the current residents.

Link to our website:

Our health system also offers PGY2 offerings in Critical Care and Investigational Drug Services. Informational session dates and signups for these programs can be found at our website linked above and flyers attached. The flyer for the year summarizes our information for easier dissemination.

Thank you for your help! Please reach out if any questions arise!

Brittney Guilbeau Darden, B.S., PharmD

PGY1/MBA Health System and Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Resident

UT Southwestern Medical Center


UT Southwestern

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The future of medicine, today.