SketchyPharmacy Opportunity – free 6th month trial

Hi P2 Students,

We’re excited to let you know about an awesome opportunity to help you with your learning and studies this semester. We are partnering with SketchyPharmacy (you may have heard of SketchyMedical), to get each of you 6 month full free trial to SketchyPharmacy. This will be going live on Thursday August 3rd, so be sure to check your emails for your registration information. SketchyPharmacy is a study supplement to help complement what you’re learning in class, and a few of your classes may formally assign or ask you to watch some videos outside of class in order to prepare or review what you’re learning. In return for this free trial, we just ask that you a) use the product and b) provide some feedback regarding your experience.

Since you are getting access before school starts, and P2 Fall semester is quite a bit more difficult than P1 year, we have highlighted a few videos to watch over the next few weeks in preparation for fall term to review some of the physiology of the disease states you will be learning this semester.

Please let us know if you have any questions. You can contact Dr. Aubrey Jones ( via email, or swing by her office (4931).

Physiology course:

Autonomic Nervous system – 6 videos (1 hour total)

Renal Physiology – 10 videos (1h 40 mins total)

Cardiovascular physiology – 14 videos (2h 20 mins total)

That’s a total of 30 videos. If you watch 2 videos a day, you will easily finish all of them before the semester starts! Most videos are 7-15 minutes long.



Aubrey Jones, PharmD, MSCI

Assistant Research Professor

Department of Pharmacotherapy

University of Utah College of Pharmacy

30 South 2000 East, Rm. 4931

Salt Lake City, UT 84112