Sign Up for Dinner’s w/ the Dean

Hello All,

We want to continue to offer Dinner with the Dean and this semester means it is turn of the P3’s. Makes for a fun evening of dinner and good company outside the context of the CoP. I know the Dean is always excited as are the faculty to have time to get to know you all better.

Below is a sign-up genius link with a few select dates that work for the Dean. If I have underestimated student interest and not put enough slots under each one for you to sign up, please let me know. The Dean is comfortable with just under 10 students at a time. The only limiter is it will be at his home, so we want to respect his space. But I can add signup slots and still be within the bounds. 

Once I have a good idea of attendance more specific info will come to those who sign up depending on the time slot you selected. We look forward to seeing you.

