P2 Orientation to the P3 Year


Please accept our Outlook invitation to a mandatory ‘Orientation to the P3 Year’ this Tuesday, March 14th from noon-1pm in Rm. 2680. Come, eat lunch, and get all of your questions about the P3 curriculum answered. Please let me know about any dietary restrictions.

Agenda as follows:

• Introduction to the Professional Development Seminar – Drs. Orlando and Bald

o Electives – Registering, Requirements, etc.

o Mentoring – How the Program Has Changed

o Career Options

• Projects – Dr. Craig Henchey

• Updates from Student Affairs – Shawna and Bill

• Questions and Answers


Shawna Webster

Associate Director, Student Affairs

College Title IX Liason


College of Pharmacy

L. S. Skaggs Pharmacy Institute

Office of the Dean 105C

Office: (801) 585-1848


Published in P2