Operation Heart Step Challenge
Dear College of Pharmacy,
February is “American Heart Month.” APhA Operation Heart wants to invite you to participate in our annual Step Challenge! This is a friendly competition among the classes and faculty/staff. Yes, you heard correctly, this competition is for everyone involved in the College and will help us to increase our physical activity and awareness of heart disease! The class (including Faculty) with the most steps will get a pizza party and the individual with the most steps during the Month of February will receive a $50 gift card!
This competition will run through the whole month of February. We are recording the steps a little differently this year, so please follow these instructions to have your steps counted. It is easiest if you use a step tracker such as a pedometer, the “Health” App on iPhone, Fitbit, Apple Watch, etc. There are plenty of apps that will work for this. Please email myself (emma.gee@pharm.utah.edu) or Amber Rasmussen (amber.rasmussen.utah.edu) your name and class (P1, 2, 3, 4, or faculty), and a screenshot of your steps daily or weekly (we just need to be able to see the daily number of steps on the screenshot).
As a bonus, if you donate blood during the month of February (we are including the COP blood drive happening on 1/31 in HSEB 4100A 10-3pm; the sign-up link is on the DASH!) you will get an extra 1,000 steps added to your total!
This will be a lot of fun, and it will be exciting to see who is engaging in the highest amount of physical activity during American Heart Month! Please let us know if you have any questions!
Emma Gee
PharmD Candidate, Class of 2025
University of Utah College of Pharmacy