Legislative Day Poster Sign Up

Hi everyone! Legislative Day will be on Monday, January 22nd, from 8-11 AM at the Utah Capitol Hill building. Signups for posters can be found below. This is a great event to be part of – making a poster and presenting it to your peers in pharmacy is a great experience and not nearly as stressful as it sounds 😊 EVERYONE can sign up, P1-P4. It’s a good way to connect with people from other classes, and is a great opportunity for professional development!


Please keep in mind you can only sign up for one poster – this gives everyone an equal chance to participate. As soon as poster groups are made, each group will decide on a group leader and a faculty mentor. We’ll work on posters throughout winter break and have them finished by January 15th.

Please reach out to me (aryana.vadipour@pharm.utah.edu) or Sam Embley (u1233913@utah.edu) if you have any questions. Thanks for participating!

-Ary Vadipour

NCPA President 2023-24


Ary Vadipour (they/them/theirs)

PharmD Class of 2025

Published in P1, P2, P3, P4