Internship Program Opportunity for P3 Students

Intermountain Medical Center is currently looking for upcoming P3 students to become part of their internship program! If you’re considering clinical pharmacy and are currently looking for valuable job experience, I strongly encourage you to follow the link attached to this email and apply! You will be performing multiple types of tasks, including completing medication reconciliations for patients throughout various areas of the hospital and counseling patients on new medications. You will also be assisting pharmacists in creating glucose management plans, vancomycin dosing schedules, and warfarin management schedules. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about the position!—IMC—PT_R49122

Pharmacy Intern Level 3 – IMC – PT

Connor Jensen

PharmD Candidate Class of 2024

University of Utah College of Pharmacy

ASHP-SSHP Treasurer 2021-2022

Published in P3