Industry Panel on Wednesday

Hello everyone!

AMCP will be hosting an Industry Panel on Wednesday, January 22nd, from 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm in HSEB room 5100B, where you can talk to pharmacists and professionals about opportunities in industry that you could join! The panel will consist of professionals in Medical Affairs, Managed Care, Market Access, and Health Economics and Outcomes. If these areas don’t appeal or are totally new to you, the panelists can likely guide you towards an area of interest and connect you to someone in that field! Also…. We will be bringing Chipotle burritos!!!

If you are planning on attending or have questions for the panelists, please fill out this form so that we can estimate the number students planning on attending:

We know it can be awkward to speak up, we hope the survey will minimize that, but we will still take live questions.

We hope to see you all there!


James Gustat

AMCP Secretary 2024-2025

PharmD Candidate Class of 2027

University of Utah, College of Pharmacy

Intermountain Healthcare Inpatient Pharmacy Intern
