Connect to Campus Wi-Fi

Hello All, 

A quick reminder to connect to campus wi-fi to avoid having to reconnect every week and for improved speed. Below is the information on how to connect. 

*NOTE* You must be On Campus to connect to Uconnect. You will not be able to connect off-campus.

Instructions for Connecting to Uconnect if you are on a MacBook:

1. Connect to uGuest

2. A window will open, asking you to put in your mobile number. Close this window and open a normal internet browser window. Type in the following website:


b. Note: sometimes, the pop-up window will appear multiple times after you’ve closed it. You will have to close the window every time to continue.

3. Click through the prompts. You will get to a log-in screen. Enter your uNID and CIS password

4. A few options will be available at the next screen. Select ‘Uconnect’

5. There will be a download button. Press the download button. This will download a Profile to your MacBook that allows you access to uConnect for 1 year.

6. Open your computer’s settings. On the left side of the settings window, there will be a tab labeled ‘Profile Downloaded’. Click this tab, and double click the profile. There, you will see an ‘install’ button. Once the profile is installed, you will be able to select Uconnect from the available listed Wi-Fis.

Instructions for Connecting to Uconnect if you are on a Windows Computer:

*NOTE*: Many Windows computers come with McAfee Antivirus installed on the computer. McAfee is falsely identifying the University of Utah’s Wi-Fi certificate as a virus, which prevents your ability to access campus Wi-Fi. CPCSS heavily recommends uninstalling McAfee, as this will allow you to access the campus wi-fi, and McAfee is also a terrible antivirus. Your computer comes built-in with an antivirus called Microsoft Defender, which is all you need.

1. Connect to uGuest

2. A window will open, asking you to put in your mobile number. In the bottom left corner of this pop-up, there is an option labeled Select this link

3. Click through the prompts. You will get to a log-in screen. Enter your uNID and CIS password.

4. A few options will be available at the next screen. Select ‘Uconnect’

5. There will be a download button. Press the download button. This will download a certificate to your computer that allows you to access uConnect for 1 year.

a. If you receive an error that says a Virus has been detected, you have an antivirus on your computer that is blocking the application. This is most commonly a problem with McAfee.

6. Open the downloaded file. It may open a window that says ‘Smart Screen cannot be run’. Select the button ‘Run Anyways’.

7. A program will begin to run. After a few moments, you will be connected to Uconnect.

If you have any questions, concerns, or issues with connecting to Uconnect, feel free to submit a ticket to CPCSS and we will assist you with getting connected.

Submit a ticket here:

Published in P1, P2, P3, P4
