College Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Event 


The College Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee has a rare opportunity to host an event for students in the community from grades 4 through 12 from 9am-11:30 am Saturday February 24th. The EDI Committee’s goal is to introduce the students to research and clinical pharmacy in a fun and interactive way. We have a handful of activities for them to experience, and we are looking for support! This is a cool opportunity to interact with children and young adults and share your passion for your profession and show off the College as well as gain a bullet for your growing CV.

We need help with everything from directing traffic to helping with activities, so please use the sign-up here:

Saturday Academy Volunteers

We’re excited to host 200 4th to 12th graders from Salt Lake City on February 24th! Come help run activities, corrale kids, and show how fun science can be!

Krista, Heather or I are happy to answer any questions you may have. Lunch, SWAG and fun will all be available!


College of Pharmacy EDI Committee

Dr. Heather Nyman, Chair

Published in Student Affairs