Co-Curricular Opportunity with CSI Facilitation 

For those still needing a co-curricular activity credit, we have 2 days of P1 CSI facilitation with open spots – and need 4 facilitators for April 22nd from 12-1 to help facilitate the OTC Law Room. Any P2-P4 can facilitate. There will be a ~75 minute training session during the week before so that you can go through the room yourselves and be prepared to best facilitate the students. This will be scheduled at a time convenient to everyone facilitating. This is a really fun way to review Law and OTC while getting co-curricular credit! The activities are listed on the co-curricular site, and we just ask that you also sign-up via the sign-up genius link on the activity so we know you’re signed up.

Thanks, CSI Coursemasters

Thanks, Aubrey

Aubrey Jones, PharmD, MSCI

Assistant Research Professor

Department of Pharmacotherapy

University of Utah College of Pharmacy

30 South 2000 East, Rm. 4931

Salt Lake City, UT 84112