Camp Hobe
I am the Volunteer Coordinator for Camp Hobé, a Utah nonprofit serving kids with cancer (& similarly-treated disorders) and their families. We run camps every summer for Utah kids being treated for cancer (& similarly-treated disorders), and their siblings, and also offer free family outings throughout the year. Our organization utilizes more than 200 volunteers each year during the summer camp. We are currently recruiting volunteers for our summer camp sessions . We are trying to recruit more diverse volunteers, in order to better reflect the diversity of our camper population. A variety of volunteer opportunities are available. Volunteers are needed for the following sessions / dates.
• Day Camp / Hobé Juniors: Thurs June 6 to June 8, for campers aged 4 to 6 years. Day campers (4-5 year olds) do not stay overnight, while Hobé Juniors (6 year olds) have a 1-night overnight
• Kids Week: Sun June 9 to Fri June 14, overnight resident camp for campers aged 7 to 11 years
• Teen Week: Sun June 16 to Fri June 21, overnight resident camp for campers aged 12 to 19 years
• Virtual Camp: Monday July 15 to Thur July 18, ages 6-19.
The camp also qualifies as a 2 credit-hour elective as PHARM 7543 (not applicable as P3 required elective). These 2 credit-hours may be applied to requirements for reclassification of residency (tuition).
Volunteering for Camp Hobé is a great experience students and professionals in Recreation, Outdoor Programs, Health Sciences, Child Life, Social Work, and Nursing programs. It is invaluable for these students to gain experience working with patients outside of the hospital. Our camp has worked with internship programs; students may be able to receive college credit if their degree program has a mechanism in place for this. I would appreciate it if you would share this information to your employees, students, and volunteers – the attachment files may be posted or forwarded. Our website has more about us, including our volunteer page, the online application, and job descriptions. Thank you so much for your help!
Shamar Lejardi (Shammy; she,her), Volunteer Coordinator / 801-557-2605