ASHP Student Leadership Development Program

Dear Colleagues,

ASHP is pleased to share the launch of the ASHP Student Leadership Development Program. This program is available for students in their first through final year of school, and serves as a multi-functional student development resource that can be used in the following ways:

1. As a resource for use as an elective course by Schools and Colleges of Pharmacy to satisfy the ACPE requirements for Standard 4: Personal and Professional Development

2. As a stand-alone learning experience for students interested in improving their professional and leadership skills.

The learning objectives for this program are included below:

1. Define leadership.

2. Describe leadership roles in pharmacy practice, including formal and informal leadership.

3. Discuss common leadership characteristics, styles, and approaches.

4. Characterize your personal identity, strengths, and leadership traits.

5. Describe the importance of relationships, including the value of mentorship.

6. Develop SMART goals for professional and leadership development.

7. Examine the role of communication in leadership.

8. Explain the role of advocacy in leadership.

9. Describe your professional and leadership development in the context of the future of healthcare.

Individual pricing is $40 for student members and $95 for student non-members. Schools and Colleges of Pharmacy may also contact ASHP for institutional pricing for their selected cohorts (contact for more information on bulk purchasing).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Once again, we are excited to share this leadership and professional growth opportunity for our student learners.

Warm regards,



Georgia (Gina) Galanou Luchen, Pharm.D.

Director, Member Relations

Section of Pharmacy Educators & Section of Community Pharmacy Practitioners


