ASHP Midyear ASHP Virtual Residency Showcase 

ASHP Midyear

Monday, December 5 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm PST

Mandalay Bay South Convention Center, Bayside B, Level 1

Booth #4445

ASHP Virtual Residency Showcase

Thursday, December 15 from 7:00 am – 1:00 pm PST

Connect with us! Please visit 2022 Virtual Residency Showcase | Booths A-G (

Our PGY1 program has 2 positions available in the Portland, Oregon & Vancouver, Washington area

For more information about our program, visit us at:

• WSU Website – FM PGY1 Residency Information

• YouTube – Fred Meyer/WSU Testimonials

For specific questions about our program, direct them to:


Residency Special Features:

Fred Meyer Pharmacies offer numerous patient care programs including immunizations, travel consultations, health and wellness screenings, medication therapy management, transitions of care, disease state management, and a diabetes prevention coaching program. In addition, unique patient care opportunities exist through collaborative drug therapy agreements (CDTAs) including the ability to prescribe oral contraception, travel medications, naloxone, diabetic testing supplies, and treatment for minor ailments and other acute needs. The residents will work with Fred Meyer preceptors to design, implement, expand, and provide patient care services focused on improved patient outcomes. Fred Meyer District, Division and Enterprise pharmacy management teams will precept the residents to help develop an understanding of chain pharmacy administration. Residents will also collaborate with other healthcare professionals as part of a care transitions team at The Vancouver Clinic (a multidisciplinary clinic) to improve health outcomes for recently discharged patients at high risk for readmission. Finally, residents will also work closely with Washington State University to enhance their drug information skills at their specialty drug information (DI) center as well as earn an advanced teaching certificate through multiple large and small group facilitation experiences.

Grachelle Gonong, PharmD

FM-WSU PGY-1 Community-Based Pharmacy Resident

Fred Meyer Pharmacy

Mail Stop: 04002/34K

3800 SE 22nd Avenue

Portland, OR 97202

Office: (503) 797-3825| Fax: (877)302-0308