ACCP Clinical Research Challenge!

Hi PharmD students,

On January 24th we will hold the local ACCP Clinical Research Challenge! If you’d like to participate, please form a team of 3 and sign up using the signup genius link below. Please try to register by January 17th .  If your team wins the local challenge, you will go on to participate in the national challenge on February 10th. 

If you’d like more information about the Clinical Research Challenge, see the ACCP link included. If you have any questions, contact Cassidy Steele at

Sign Up Genius: ACCP: ACCP Clinical Research Challenge Teams

ACCP Clinical Research Challenge TeamsPlease review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

ACCP Clinical Research Challenge Details: ACCP – Clinical Research Challenge 

ACCP – Clinical Research ChallengeACCP is pleased to announce the return of the Clinical Research Challenge (CRC). This novel competition is targeted towards pharmacy students in their first two years of their first professional pharmacy degree program (P1 and P2 students for 4 year programs; P1 and P2 students for 3 year accelerated programs and the first two professional years of 0-6 or 0-7 year programs)
